
Our Mission: To support all people with an intellectual, or physical challenge, to reach their full potential through the use of assistive technology and enabling devices

Who is Mercarik?

  • Mercarik Inc. is an Assistive Technology consulting firm focused on evaluation, design and implementation of multiple varying systems and contrivances to enhance the lives of people with varying physical or intellectual challenges.
  • The assistive / enabling technology evaluated for and provided is intended to increase the safety, independence and functional capabilities of the person served. Individual devices and systems are modified and tailored to suit the specific and unique abilities of a user’s current capacity. Future needs and anticipated capabilities are considered in the planning process.
  • Mercarik Inc. is a Minnesota DHS approved provider, and works with Case Managers to use waiver funding to cover assistive / enabling technology equipment.


RESNA - Assistive Technology Professional (ATP)
Environmental Accessibility Specialist (EAS)